2025/2026 MDMHA Coach/Trainer/Volunteer Form (Millbrook Minor Hockey)

2025/2026 MDMHA Coach/Trainer/Volunteer Form
Please provide your thoughtful input on the following questions. If additional room is needed information can be sent to [email protected] Applicants will be contacted for an interview to be completed by our coach selection committee. Thank you for your interest in supporting Millbrook Minor Hockey.
Welcome to volunteering with MDMHA! Our organization is proud to offer a variety of volunteer positions sure to appeal to any level of expertise and experience. Please complete the application form including the VSS/Criminal Check. Returning volunteers are required to obtain a new police clearance every 2 years and sign a declaration annually. MDMHA volunteers are also required to take the Respect in Sport Activity Leader course. Please complete this form for ALL volunteer positions. A copy of this application will be sent to the secretary and submitted to the coach selection committee where applicable. Ensure you have all your paperwork in order (coaching credentials and vss). Not all applicants will be interviewed. You will only be contacted for an interview if it is deemed necessary. Thank you for your interest.
  1. What does it mean to be a Millbrook District Minor Hockey Coach?


    Basic Job Description

    Oversee and be responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day operation of the assigned team

    Ensure the objectives of the Association as stated in the Bylaws and Constitution of the (MDMHA) and the Manual of Operations of the OMHA are met

    Be a spokesperson for the team and represent the team at all meetings and functions
    * Attend a minimum of one mandatory Coaching Clinics throughout the season 

    This position requires a Level of Certification as stated in the OMHA Manual of Operations. Performances will be reviewed and evaluated at the end of each season.

    All applicants will review and comply with the requirements of the MDMHA. Bylaws and constitution as well as the OMHA Manual of Operations.

    Special attention should be given to the Harassment and Abuse Policy in the OMHA Manual of Operations.

    Eligible applicants will require passing a Vulnerable Sector Check / Police Check. Forms can be printed off and submitted to your local Police Service or OPP Detachment in the jurisdiction in which you reside.  Forms can be found in our Online Library which is on the right hand side of our webpage within MDMHA Coach Resources folder.

    A minimum of 10 hours per week of time can be expected to fulfill the obligations of this position. In addition to the regular season, teams may represent the Association in OMHA sanctioned tournaments.

    The coach shall be responsible for assisting in any and all fundraising activities because of the close association with players and parents.

    Aims and Objectives of Our Organization

    MDMHA expects its coaches to understand and promote the basic principles by which the organization operates:

    1.      To foster, promote and teach amateur Hockey within the Township of Cavan Monaghan and surrounding area and to provide maximum opportunity for all eligible participants to participate regardless of ability.

    2.      To develop and encourage sportsmanship, community and good fellowship among all participants to the betterment of their physical, mental and social well-being.

    3.      To encourage all participants to become better citizens.

    To accomplish these principles, all of our coaches need to understand and accept the responsibility of fulfilling multiple roles for their team. These roles include, but are not limited to, Leader, Teacher, Organizer, Communicator, and Risk Manager.

    Coach as a Leader

    Seasonal Goals and Objectives- establish seasonal goals and objectives for the Team.

    Be a role model for your players in reference to appropriate behaviour towards officials, other coaches and other players.

    Develop leadership abilities in young athletes

    Meet with parents of athletes and at the preseason meeting outline philosophies, ice time, playing time and other important aspects of your plan.

    Demonstrate a sincere effort in helping each athlete to maximize his or her potential.

  2. Coach as a Mentor

    Mentor the necessary hockey skills for the age group as outlines in the NCCP Coaching Course and the Nike Skills Manual.

    Develop a seasonal plan.

    Mentor skills using the proper sequences and progressions.

    Mentor skills using understandable language.

    Recognize that athletes differ in learning and readiness to learn, and that learning requires the acquisition of skills and attitudes. This requires patience and perseverance of the coach and player before the required behaviour will be consistently demonstrated in game play.

    Mentor more than just hockey skills!


    Coach as an Organizer

    Plan effective practices (seasonal plan should include practice plan)

    Select support staff that meets the Associations standard and approval and will provide maximum benefit to you and your players.

    Seek the assistance of the parents of the players in running the activities of your program


    Coach as Communicator

    Hold regular parent and player meetings


    Coach as Risk Manager (Safety)

    Review a safety action plan with your trainer.

    Ensure that all ice and dressing room activities have adult supervision.

    Report any arena deficiencies to the Association Executive.

    Review player equipment on a regular basis for defects and advise parents accordingly.

    Monitor rehabilitation of injured athletes and ensure medical clearance to return to play.

    Report any player abuse to the Executive.

    Maintain communication with the Coach Mentor, to ensure that Association can assist in the resolution of difficulties at an early stage, and improve overall hockey program on an ongoing basis.
    Follow the 2 deep rule of having 2 adults present with the players at ALL times during MDMHA activities.


Attend trainer’s meetings as required. There will be a mandatory trainers meeting prior to the season commencing or soon after. 

The primary responsibility of Team Trainer, in accordance with HDC instruction, is to ensure player safety during all hockey related activities, both on and off the ice. 

All MDMHA Team Trainers shall ensure up to date certification with HDC. 
Furthermore, all Hockey Trainers should utilize a proactive, preventative approach to safety while being prepared to react in the event of accidents, injuries or medical emergencies. 

As a Hockey Trainer and team official you must play a leadership role in implementing effective risk management programs with your own teams, enhancing the safety of players and all involved in amateur hockey. 

The following are some responsibilities that the Hockey Trainer should assume: 

Implement an effective Risk Management program with your team that strives to prevent injuries and accidents before they happen.

Assume a proactive role in identifying and minimizing or eliminating risks during all activities, and if ever in doubt, always err on the side of caution.

Promote and reflect the values of Fair Play and strive to instill these values in all participants and others involved in minor hockey.

Ensure that all players are provided with meaningful opportunities and enjoyable experiences free from physical and/or emotional maltreatment.

Conduct regular checks of players’ equipment to ensure proper fit, protective quality and maintenance, and advise players and parents regarding the selection or replacement of equipment.

Promote proper conditioning, warm-up, and cool down techniques as effective methods of injury prevention.

Maintain accurate medical information files on all players and team officials and bring these to all team activities.

Maintain a Player Injury Log.

Maintain a fully stocked First Aid Kit and bring it to all team activities.

Implement an effective Emergency Action Plan with your team and practice it regularly to ensure all involved understand their roles and are prepared to act promptly when an incident occurs.

Recognize life-threatening and significant injuries, and be prepared to deal with serious injury.

Manage minor injuries according to basic injury management principles and refer players to medical professionals when necessary.

Recognize injuries that require a player to be removed from action. Refer players to medical professionals and coordinate return to play.

Promote a healthy lifestyle with all hockey participants by being a good role model and by educating participants regarding hygiene, performance-enhancing substances, drug and alcohol abuse, nutrition and hydration.

Facilitate communication with players, coaches, parents, physicians, therapists, paramedical personnel, officials and other volunteers regarding safety, injury prevention and player’s health status.

Act as a Hockey Trainer for both your team and your opponents if only one Hockey Trainer is present. 

Team Manager 

All MDMHA Team Managers shall attend a MANDATORY meeting to review the policy manual and review MDMHA policies and expectations. Said meeting shall occur as quickly as possible after tryouts have concluded and bench staff determined. 

The Team Manager is a central figure in creating the flow of communication – not only within the team (players, parents and coaches), but between the team and all support systems such as MDMHA Executive, league managers, other teams, referees and officials. The OMHA provides more detailed information about the roles and responsibilities of a manager which can be found at: http://www.omha.net/page/show/884934-team-managers. 

The Team Manager is responsible for the general organization of the team and the overseeing of team funds and expenses. Parents and players are expected to assist the Team Manager on the successful running of the team, for example; staffing the gate during a game and participating in team and organizational fundraising initiatives. 

The Team Manager shall provide a written year-end financial report to the team and MDMHA Treasurer within 4 weeks of the season ending.

Personal information

Please complete in full

Required Qualifications

Please visit the www.OMHA.net website to review what are the minimum requirements for each age group

Coaching Background

This section questions are mandatory only for head coach applications.




Policy on Volunteers and Members with Criminal Records


All volunteers will be subject to a vulnerable sector screening to be considered to volunteer with MDMHA.  

As per OMHA guideline, a vulnerable sector screening is required every three (3) years of uninterrupted service as a volunteer.

A MDMHA volunteer shall provide a new VSS report upon request of the MDMHA Professional Delegate (Team Official) and must disclose any new criminal allegation(s) that may impact on their role as a volunteer to the MDMHA professional Delegate (Team Official) immediately. 

OMHA Policy requires that ALL individuals holding the title of Team Official, Referee and anyone else determined by the Risk Assessment Tool found in the OHF Speakout shall be subject to a Vulnerable Sector Screening which includes a Criminal Record Check and Sex Registry Check. 

Individuals with outstanding Criminal Code convictions and/or pending charges for certain offences shall not be eligible to hold the position of Team Official, Referee or any other Association position as determined by Appendix B OMHA Risk Assessment Tool & Rating. 

The following offences deems an individual to be ineligible: 
Assault with a weapon, Assault Cause Bodily harm, Aggravated Assault, Sexual Assault, Sexual Interference, Sexual Exploitation, invitation to sexual touching, Child Pornography, Luring a Child, Voyeurism, Posession for the purpose of trafficking, Production of a Substance (as defined in the CDSA), Robbery, Use of a Firearm in the commission of an offence, and Firearm Related Offences (with the exception of unsafe storage). 

The following offences deems an individual to be disqualified from participation until 10 years exclusion has passed*: Assault, Threatening, Possession of a Substance as defined in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA), Impaired Driving (while driver’s license is suspended), Theft, Fraud, and Related Offence (while in a position of financial trust) 

*MDMHA’s acceptable window of time for the exclusion of offences is 10 years. The exclusion of time commences at the expiration of the penalty imposed by the Courts. Not the date of the charge or conviction. 

If an individual has received a pardon they shall be eligible for volunteering within MDMHA. 

I also understand that in order for my application to be considered, I must submit a Vulnerable Sector Screening .

I authorize Millbrook District Minor Hockey Inc. to collect personal information appropriate to the position applied to verify character references.