Q: What do I need to do to book an exhibition game?
A: Once you agree on a date to play an exhibition game with another team, please complete a Travel Permit Request form on the MDMHA website. Then you can request our Ice Scheduler add the game to your schedule, and request referees for the game from our Referee-in-Chief. Finally, you can request a timekeeper for your game from the Timekeeper Coordinator.
Q: Are there extra costs to have an exhibition game?
A: The cost for referees and timekeepers for exhibition games is not covered by MDMHA, so the team will have to pay the referees and timekeepers directly. Typically this is paid at the arena right before the game. You can use your regularly scheduled practice time to hold an exhibition game, or you can purchase additional ice time from the Township, if available.
Q: How do I set up an Exhibition Game on the iPad in GameSheet?
A1: If the team you are hosting is NOT in your league:
You must email both [email protected] AND GameSheet ([email protected]) at least 3 days in advance and provide the following information:
- Your name
- Your cell phone #
- Date of Game
- Your Full Team Name
- Your League (Three County Hockey League or Victoria Durham Minor Hockey League)
- Your Division (i.e. U11, U13, etc.)
- Type of Game (Exhibition)
- The full name of the team that you are playing, the League they play in, and the age division they play in.
GameSheet will then move that team to your Division (i.e. U13 Exhibition)
Once the above has been completed, your team manager/coach will be able to create the game from scratch. Remember to select 'Type of Game' as 'Exhibition'. Suggest that you wait until a couple of hours before the game, in case the other team edits their roster via the Dashboard.
A2: If the team you are hosting
is in your league.
Since both teams are already in the league, you can simply create the game from Scratch at the rink. Here's how: